Tuesday, April 17, 2012

All At Once....Goodbye Whitney

Know its a bit late to write about Whitney's pasing. was actually surfing youtube and caught her 1986 video "All Out Once". Memories... the 80's . Made me realise how so young we were.

For a lot of folks out there, Whitney's known for 'I Will Always Love You" but for my generation we will always remember her for All At Once. Her freshness, THE VOICE without CGI, computer makeup,lighting and a whole of other gizmos. She was a natural.

She was the girl next door who just love to sing. We could all relate to her before all that glamour and glitter and all of us fell for her ....such innocence.

All At Once
I finally took a moment
And I realise that
You're not coming back
And It finally hit me
All Out Once

How so true.... and how so sad.

I'll always remember the young Whitney, her innocence and natural good looks. All of us screw up in life and Whitney's no exception.

Your passing...

And It hurts me more than you know
So much more than it shows
All At Once

Goodbye Girl

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tahun Baru 1433 Hijri

Salam all,

Dah tahun baru. Alhamdullilah kita masih diberi peluang hidup kat dunia ni... hopefully to do good works.

For the younger generation, tahun hijri ni banyak maknanye. Its our identity and ia lebih bermakna coz tahun Hijri is based on faith & struggle and not just someone's birthday.

So kita selawat banyak2 to the greatest man ever, Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Happy new Year and pasang azam to BE GOOD Ye....


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Year Coming

Awal Muharram just around the corner. Ahlan wasahlan 1433 wassalam 1432. Life is beautiful... say it bros. Tak dapat bonus pun takpe. Rezeki 100% daripada Allah, kita syukur22 dapat peluang bangun pagi takde sakit2.

Kita raikan tahun baru, kita raikan Malaysia bawah panji2nya.

Alhandullilah. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.......



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Syabas Team Malaysia

Salam All,

Catch the TM Team Malaysia music video "Gemuruh Malaysia". Great video with a touch of Broadway in it. Baru naik semangat kita. Who would have guessed , WE ARE CHAMPS

Syabas Team Malaysia @ SEA GAMES. Been a long time since I felt this GOOOD!!!!

Proud to be Malaysian. 1 Bangsa 1 Azam 1 Matlamat 1 MALAYSIA

Love all u Malaysians out there. Make Malaysia Proud.


Syabas Team Malaysia

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Kuzi Kambing


Just to share with u ada sahabat call mintak resepi Kuzi kambing yesterday. I believe I posted the blog somewhere in 2009!!! Dah lupa da blogtu. But resepi semo dalam cpu otak. So no worries.

Lupa lak kat2 raya korban ni ramai nak makan kambing. Alhamdullilah sunnah nabi. Btw nabi suka kat belah2 peha. So jangan lupa jamah peha tu.

Anyways selamat berkorban and pasang niat jadi tetamu Allah sooon....


Friday, October 28, 2011

Qurban dan Sedekah

Insyallah 6hb Nov ni (10 Zulhijjah) ni Hari Raya Qurban. Yang kat Mekah tu alhamdullilah. Semoga haji yang mabrur.

Yang paling penting kita yang tinggal kat kampung nie, ada jugak tanggung jawab kat Allah dan ummah.

Macam ustaz cakap niat Qurban tu kerana perintah allah bukan sebab kita ada duit lebih or healthy food coz makan daging segar. That is a consequence, sama jugak gi haji or puasa. In fact we dont have to rationalise pun coz perintah Allah memang nampak kebaikannya semulajadi dan ada jugak yang Ghaib.

Satu lagi sedekah tu on top of perintah Allah juga punca rezeki. Kepada abang2 dan kakak2 , this old adage the more u give the more u get is an evergreen saying since time immemorial. Cuma coz dia ghaib kita tak nampak tapi semo dah tertulis dalam kitab. So dont be a Scrooge. Give, give and give some more.

Insyallah Raya Qurban nie kita pasang niat ikhlas bersedekah. Kami dah siap asah pisau. Kitorg kat AU3 prefer the traditional way instead of contracting out kat orang. Meriah sikit bro. So if u guys are free come over to the basketball court kat depan Surau Nurul Iman AU3. Kita lapah sama2 pas tu makan sup lembu fresh kat AlWardah. Insyallah amalan kita diterima Allah.....
