Sunday, May 16, 2010

Selamat hari Cikgu

Dear All,
Sometimes in our hectic and chaotic life in the city nie, kita lupa our roots( by the way get a copy of Alex Haley's ROOTS... its a better read than the love is cinta trash being crammed in our bookstores). Folks, we cant deny that one of our greatest inspirations are our teachers. Cikgu oh Cikgu. I was blessed with having multi racial...multicultural cikgus in my lifetime. And as I grew up, I really believed that what they preached what was they practised. I belief that our cikgus are a sincere lot and whatever political, racial or religious misgivings have a very limited effect on this particular component of society. I guess being sheltered in schools and having no brainer kids like us limit any prejudices an educator might have no matter what our racial backgrounds were from.

And that is good, coz its not so with the world outside. We all have seen what the politics of hate and fanaticism can do to all of us. A pure profession such as educators help balance all those negatives in the world. One thing I learned from the cikgus is money is not everything and boy do they really practise what they preach. They must be the most underpaid professionals ever. And yet without them this world would be in chaos. Think about it folks. Truth is these are the boys and girls that grew up and realllllllly believe in gotong royong as opposed to multi million privatisation contracts. Shame on us.

So to all CIKGUS wherever you may be in the world Salam, Shalom, Good Day, Bonjour, Vanakam and Peace be with you.

Cheers and Wassalam,

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