Saturday, October 29, 2011

Kuzi Kambing


Just to share with u ada sahabat call mintak resepi Kuzi kambing yesterday. I believe I posted the blog somewhere in 2009!!! Dah lupa da blogtu. But resepi semo dalam cpu otak. So no worries.

Lupa lak kat2 raya korban ni ramai nak makan kambing. Alhamdullilah sunnah nabi. Btw nabi suka kat belah2 peha. So jangan lupa jamah peha tu.

Anyways selamat berkorban and pasang niat jadi tetamu Allah sooon....


Friday, October 28, 2011

Qurban dan Sedekah

Insyallah 6hb Nov ni (10 Zulhijjah) ni Hari Raya Qurban. Yang kat Mekah tu alhamdullilah. Semoga haji yang mabrur.

Yang paling penting kita yang tinggal kat kampung nie, ada jugak tanggung jawab kat Allah dan ummah.

Macam ustaz cakap niat Qurban tu kerana perintah allah bukan sebab kita ada duit lebih or healthy food coz makan daging segar. That is a consequence, sama jugak gi haji or puasa. In fact we dont have to rationalise pun coz perintah Allah memang nampak kebaikannya semulajadi dan ada jugak yang Ghaib.

Satu lagi sedekah tu on top of perintah Allah juga punca rezeki. Kepada abang2 dan kakak2 , this old adage the more u give the more u get is an evergreen saying since time immemorial. Cuma coz dia ghaib kita tak nampak tapi semo dah tertulis dalam kitab. So dont be a Scrooge. Give, give and give some more.

Insyallah Raya Qurban nie kita pasang niat ikhlas bersedekah. Kami dah siap asah pisau. Kitorg kat AU3 prefer the traditional way instead of contracting out kat orang. Meriah sikit bro. So if u guys are free come over to the basketball court kat depan Surau Nurul Iman AU3. Kita lapah sama2 pas tu makan sup lembu fresh kat AlWardah. Insyallah amalan kita diterima Allah.....


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Steve Jobs

Salam all,

Since we are in the topic of thinking outside the box lets talk about the ultimate supremo on that subject matter, Steve Jobs. Not talking about the gazillion bucks that he has or his intimate private life. Just looking back 20years dowwn memory lane.

A lot of kids nowadays take for granted the latest Apple gizmos such as Ipads, Iphones and the Mac. But I grew up in the 80's and really appreciated Jobs and Wozniak's contribution to society. Of course we also had Gates around but lets talk APPLE.

Remember the old IBM dinasaour which had a separate DOS from the other office softwares. No mouse my dear, just a whole lot of F keys (pardon my computer lingo) And IBM wasnt going to improve coz they were just making too much money at that time. Of course for us poor students, we could watch a whole lot of sitcoms before anything gets processed. Talk of getting frustrated. Programming was like having an arnott biscuit in front of your screen. Now u see it now u dont.

Then came Stevie and his gizmos. the Apple Macintosh. The first question was "Where's the CPU? Its in the screen box you idiot". That was like WOOW man. out of this world. Second question was what's all those caroon characters doing on the screen especially that dustbin. That's the delete bin bro. Another wowww. And we have this little thingy called the mouse so that u can forget all nuisance F keys. Everybody gotta have one and he came through with a lot of other gizmos in the future including a WOOWW production house called PIXAR .

Guys, what we've got to learn from Stevie is to learn to dream again, Impossible is nothing and Its my turn. To unlearn what we learned in this negative world amd to tell our kids that its ok to fail as long they dont give up their dream. Thats what winning is all about and to tell u the truth I dont think steve thought a lot about money.

Thank you MR JOBS for everything...... Adios, Adieu and Arrivederci....


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Am Baaaack


Lama betul rasa dah tak tulis Been about 6 months I reckon. Partly coz busy but mostly coz malas tapi dok nampak visitor list dah kat 2,500. Tak tahu le sape yang baca blog ni since semo org dah pindah baca facebook.

Talking about masak2 actually everybody wants to be a chef nowadays...agaknya org dah boring jadik lawyer, accountant, engineer (those were the vocations that our parents aspire us to be) So why not be a cook, designer, artist.... there seems to a demand for finer things in life nowadays. And to top it off u actually love getting up in the morning coz its not a just a job anymore...its a passion.

I say yea... to these new vocations coz sometimes F=MA and E=MC2 just isn"t our cuppa tea and folks the kids nowadays are a lot more picky than the older generation. Fine dining doesn't have to be in Mandarin or Concorde anymore. Sometimes it could be ala survivor series kat tengah hutan bro. That's niche market thinking. Everybody's thinking outside the box like stevie jobs.

We still need lawyers but hopefully these new vouge jobs will catch on. The world is just getting too serious for my liking. Till next time.

Au Revoir n Ciao222
