Sunday, October 23, 2011

Am Baaaack


Lama betul rasa dah tak tulis Been about 6 months I reckon. Partly coz busy but mostly coz malas tapi dok nampak visitor list dah kat 2,500. Tak tahu le sape yang baca blog ni since semo org dah pindah baca facebook.

Talking about masak2 actually everybody wants to be a chef nowadays...agaknya org dah boring jadik lawyer, accountant, engineer (those were the vocations that our parents aspire us to be) So why not be a cook, designer, artist.... there seems to a demand for finer things in life nowadays. And to top it off u actually love getting up in the morning coz its not a just a job anymore...its a passion.

I say yea... to these new vocations coz sometimes F=MA and E=MC2 just isn"t our cuppa tea and folks the kids nowadays are a lot more picky than the older generation. Fine dining doesn't have to be in Mandarin or Concorde anymore. Sometimes it could be ala survivor series kat tengah hutan bro. That's niche market thinking. Everybody's thinking outside the box like stevie jobs.

We still need lawyers but hopefully these new vouge jobs will catch on. The world is just getting too serious for my liking. Till next time.

Au Revoir n Ciao222


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