Sunday, April 5, 2009

Food and Growing up

Food brings a lot of memories to me growing up. I remembered food from the 70's. It was always sate for big occasions. And then A&W came in with its famous drive in PJ old town.KFC came later with its finger lickin good. It was pay after you ate in those times. And they did use real plates in those times instead of the cardboard boxes today.
Food that you ate on your first date, when you won your first promotion and when you had your first baby. Food at your wedding, food that you had on 1/01/2000 (millenium day), etc., etc.
I guess that our sense of smell has strong memories as our sense of sight.
Give it a try. Try and remember the smell and aromas on those eventful days. If you have the need just give us a call, we might bring back that nostalgic memories back. Who knows you might just bring that magic back into your life. Sometimes having a video cam is not the answer to everything in the past. Cheers and be good guys.


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