Monday, October 18, 2010

Bajet 2011...Kena bajet2

Dear All,
Bila kaji2 bajet 2011 nie ada 2 perspective. Satu utk org2 kaya bangsawan, se lagi golongan macam kita2 ni.Contoh nya when they announced that there are at least 300 items exempted from duty. Tu signal utk bangsawan2 kita gi shopping. Jangan lak kakak2 semo over gi swipe credit card. Tu yang masalah org kite, lain kena target, lain pulak yang kena (or is it mengena?)

Org2 macam kite kena pikir muamalat ie camne nak tolak all these goods to the rich and famous. Not the other way round. Ikan kembong pun dah RM10-00 sekilo kak. Lagi mahal dari ayam. Ni lagi nak beli handbag ke 20. Cukup2 le tu. The signal that the Govt is giving is that it is creating a more business friendly environment for aspiring enterprenuers sebab tu depa exempt kan duty on a lot of goods. Depa faham that without bonuses a lot of people are going into side businesses anyway. So lets make it conducive.

For the Govt servant, dont despair that there's no bonus. The Govt is just telling u that it is overstaffed. Yele if u chk the statistics we have the second largest no of govt staff per population in the world. And this is with all the e perolehan and other automation programmes that the Govt has introduced. Apalagi if u are looking for extra income , bermuamalat le. Jangan amik rasuah pulak. Bencana dunia akhirat. U can serve the economy better by bowing out. Tapi...Job Security? I want to serve. Well, unless u are a fireman, policeman or soldier, its better that u serve from the outside. Rezeki tu dari Allah kan? Rahmat Allah tu luas. Think about it. If things are the same next year you guys better start thinking about controlling ur own destinies.

Anyways we hope that the Govt do something about controlling the prices of fish and poultry. Sebab org kita suka kat soto n laksa. Last skali kita semo jadi vegetarian le. Tu pun kangkung, kobis ngan timun je.

Cheers and Salam,

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