Monday, October 4, 2010

Goodbye Jakarta... Hello Kuala Lumpur?????

Dear All,
Sekarang ni hot topic cerita sal Immigration skali lagi. Yele every time change new minister benda ni dok crop out je. My personal comment? We Malaysians have a choice. Been a foreign student/worker before. So I know the feeling.

Susah nak cakap bros. Hujan emas kat negeri org, hujan batu kat negeri sendiri. Seronok lagi dok kat KL. Tapi looking back at KL 20++ years ago, memang tak banyak peluang. So keje overseas tu memang la nampak attractive. Sama le jugak depa ni yg musafir dari Jakarta, Decca, Lagos, Yangon and Saigon. They're just looking for a better life.The young Malaysians always complain but they've been fed with a golden spoon all their lives. Sama le macam budak2 kat UK, States and Aussie. Life can be really miserable bros. Tanye je sahabat2 kita dari overseas tu. Depa pun heran kita ni jaga budak, ketuk batu n sapu sampah nak outsource to them. Believe it, I was of the same opinion when I was overseas. Yele dulu kat KL pakai computer pakai DOS ngan Wordstar, Kreng Krung22 berejam2. Tu pun kalo ada PC. Dulu arga PC tu sama macam beli Proton Saga. Semo Mat ngan Minah Salleh (young and old) kat overseas dah pakai mouse ngan Apple Mac so keje2 vokay ni outsource le. Sounds familiar?

Of course I agree that our Immigration Dept ni lak over2. Sampai Petronas station penuh ngan foreign workers. Kan self service? Duit punya pasal. As I said we have a choice but I guess its inevitable. Saw a glimpse of news on The Bali Road Map, supposed to be a progression of the Kyoto Protocol. Maksudnye Green environment la tu bang. Dont believe it will work coz kalo nak hidup senang kena melombong, mengorek, menebang apa yg mother nature ada kat bumi nie so its all just ip service nak bagi sedap tengok kat TV je. Wall Street rules kan. So what does it have to do with us? Well, kalau u suka keje tatap2 PC and tak nak buat keje vokay than we have to accept the influx of foreign workers sampai negeri depa tu maju. Not saying its bad but its a fact of life. So the only solution is control and enforcement so that crime and moral values tu tercapai.

Look on the positive side we now have many versions of briyani and noodles kat KL ni skrg. Long Live Good FOOOD. Till next time.

Cheers and Salam,

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